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Via Forre Nera, 6 – 51019 Ponte Buggianese (PT) P.IVA 01644404473 Daniele: 335- 7233 143 / Francesco: 335 – 574 3660 Tel. 0572 504303

Ancient bricks | Ancient building materials

Bricks 26 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm

BRICKS 26 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm

Bricks 26 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm, cleaned, chosen and selected in the best way for your request, from ancient Tuscan farmhouses and palaces; cleaned of lime on the sides and behind.

Ready to be assembled to build a beautiful outdoor floor, a beautiful base of a fountain or a beautiful brick column and in the same way many other things to make your home more unique.

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    BRICKS 26 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm

    Bricks 26 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm, cleaned, chosen and selected in the best way for your request, from ancient Tuscan farmhouses and palaces; cleaned of lime on the sides and behind.

    Ready to be assembled to build a beautiful outdoor floor, a beautiful base of a fountain or a beautiful brick column and in the same way many other things to make your home more unique.

    You may also be interested in these Structures and Coverings.

    Visit our Facebook page Recuperando Brick and Stone

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