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Street lamps

Antique street lamps

Brick and Stone offers antique street lamps to illuminate your garden with the magic of the past. Antique street lamps are lighting systems that were mainly made of iron and cast iron.

The first street lamps only began to appear in the early 19th century in London and Paris, the leading cities of progress and technology (in those years, of course). Over the course of the various eras, the artistic style of antique street lamps evolved. Therefore, today, very varied specimens have come down to us. Few, however, are in as good a condition as our antique street lamps.

You can confirm this by walking through the streets of various Italian towns and villages. If, while enjoying a walk, you look up and linger on the lampposts, you will notice how they change in shape and design.

This is because the lamppost was also part of street furniture, and therefore each town reflects different tastes and choices. Today, the lamppost is no longer just a piece of street furniture, as it can also be used in gardens.

A tip immediately comes to mind for those who perhaps have a garden that gets too dark at night. If you want to enjoy your outdoor spaces at night without being shrouded in darkness (which, by the way, frightens a lot of people), then we suggest a beautiful antique lamppost.

Or, there are also cases where having outdoor lighting is really necessary. Think of driveways, slightly narrow and inconvenient private car parks and so on. There are hundreds of situations where having an illuminated garden is certainly safer and more practical.

Having established that seeing is always better than barely seeing, you just have to decide on the lighting source. Do you want to buy spotlights? Do you prefer garden lights on the ground? Or do you prefer to fill the garden with lanterns, to recreate an ambience somewhat suspended in time?

Of course all these solutions are equally valid. But since we are in the section ‘Recovered antique street lamps’ it is only right to try to make you understand why choosing an antique street lamp is more stylish.

First of all, your guests will be impressed by the lampposts, because thanks to their size they stand out immediately. Secondly, lampposts were born to illuminate cities and that is why they do it really (and we repeat, really) well. It will be impossible not to be amazed by the magnificent illumination of the garden.

Why antique street lamps are important

Street lamps make possible something that we now take for granted, but which is not at all. Originally, we only walked the streets when daylight allowed us to do so, at certain times of the day. Today, however, man has gone further. We have learnt to control one of the most revolutionary and advanced resources ever: light. The night no longer stops us, darkness has been banished from our lives thanks to streetlights.

We can enjoy an evening or night walk. We can participate in life after the sun goes down with serenity and tranquillity. All this thanks to these very valuable human works.

Antique lampposts to illuminate and decorate the garden

The structure of lampposts is almost always with an independent metal pole (made of wrought iron and cast iron) that carries a lighting body or diffuser containing a bulb. The diffuser is almost always in the shape of a trapezoid or a circular hat or umbrella dish from which the lamp always protrudes. In the really old lanterns, the diffuser consisted of a candle or gas supply system (almost always paraffin or diesel).

It is no coincidence that most ancient street lamps are made of iron and cast iron. These materials were the most commonly used in past eras because they were highly economical and easily worked. The workshops of craftsmen and blacksmiths were able to produce true works of art with wrought iron, highly decorative shapes and sinuosities.

From the processing of steel (another material used extensively in earlier times), there was often scrap left over. These scraps were reused even though they were considered poor quality material (so much so that steel scraps were called ‘scrap iron’).

Do you wonder why we have made this parenthesis on the processing of lampposts? Because in this way you can understand their excellent quality, strength and durability.

Despite the years and the corrosive action of the weather, our lampposts are in excellent condition. Certainly they have been maintained so well thanks to our recovery and restoration work, but also thanks to their construction quality. Old street lamps were made to last as long as possible!

They are products for lighting and furnishing your garden in a classic style that guarantee durability and resistance. Their classic Victorian style brings a beautiful, romantic and old-fashioned atmosphere to your outdoor spaces, making them refined and elegant.

Showing all 4 results

  • lampione

    Cast iron street lamp

  • Pair of wall lamps

  • Pair of complete street lamps

  • Antichi lampioni in ghisa

    Ancient cast iron lamps